“Look, everybody needs to watch the process play out,” Johnson said. “It’s going to take us five or six weeks, probably, to dig through all those details and come up with the final proposal.”

Problem is we have been watching a lot of things play out and they have not been very desirable…people loosing their jobs, agencies closing, pulling out of associations with long term allies, aligning with long term enemies, rising food costs, and the list goes on.

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Cutting the broader agency and not specifying in which program(s) the cuts will be made is a distraction mechanism. It sets up arguments that are not constructive or enlightening while the government is dismantled.

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FC, don't 'both sides' us... The Dems' statements are MUCH CLOSER to the truth...

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They all want to cut Medicaid and other programs that help the poor since those folks don’t have a big powerful lobby.

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“…adding work requirements…” doesn’t explain why many people who are working, sometimes 2+ jobs, still have to rely on Medicaid because wages are so low

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No healthcare insurance whether Medicare Medicaid or private can take care of a population where 65% are obese 100 million have fatty liver disease 50 million have diabetes 96 million are prediabetic and every other marathon or needs a hip replacement or knee replacement or something our bodies are damaged and our minds are even worse. We now have five eating disorders. Americans are so unattractive and most of them will live uncomfortably.

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Right, that explains why every other developed country does it better than we do. Come on. The problem here is predatory economics, not the moral failing of the poor & middle class, get off it, that is what has got us here, mindsets of superiority.

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